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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2019, Volume 21, Issue 1 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.01.016

Development Strategy of Nuclear Energy Mineral Resources

1. China Nuclear Geology, Beijing 100013, China;

2. Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, Beijing 100029, China; 

3. China National Uranium Co. Ltd., Beijing 100013, China;

4. Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy, Beijing 101149, China;

5. CGNPC Uranium Resources Co. Ltd., Beijing 100029, China;

6. China National Nuclear Corporation, Beijing 100822, China

Funding project:中国工程院咨询项目“矿产资源强国战略研究”(2015-XZ-35) Received: 2019-01-05 Revised: 2019-01-18

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Nuclear energy mineral resources refer to uranium resources and thorium resources with potential application prospects. At present, it mainly refers to uranium resources. With an unbalanced global distribution, the supply and demand of the uranium resources will inevitably be adjusted through the market. To build a competitive nuclear industry, a strong supply capacity of the nuclear energy mineral resources is required. A great power of nuclear energy mineral resources should possess both resource endowment and resource management capabilities. The main indicators for a great power of nuclear energy mineral resources should include domestic resource support capacity, scientific and technological strength, enterprise strength, international management and planning abilities, and sustainable development potentials. To become a great power of nuclear energy mineral resources, China should implement a number of major scientific and technological innovation projects and major application demonstration projects; build a number of 1000-ton uranium resources development bases; participate in international cooperation by actively “going global”, especially cooperation with the “Belt and Road” countries; and provide policy support for scientific and technological innovation, industrial development, and overseas development.


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