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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2020, Volume 22, Issue 1 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.01.008

The Preliminary Exploration on Natural and Scenic Value Protection of Rivers in Qinba Mountain Area

1. School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;

2. Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Funding project:CAE Advisory Project “Research on the Strategy of Green Circular Development in Qinba Mountain Area (Ⅱ)” (2017-ZD-02) Received: 2019-12-10 Revised: 2019-12-25

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The Qinba Mountain Area is the source of many important rivers in China and possess abundant natural, historical, and cultural resources related to rivers. In recent years, actions have been taken to restore the natural state of rivers in this area such as banning small hydropower stations in nature reserves, and integrated river management has been emphasized in this area. This paper analyzes the natural and scenic values of rivers in the Qinba Mountain Area, highlights the shortcomings of the existing protected area system in the aspect of river protection, summarizes the favorable conditions of river management, and proposes preliminary suggestions for the protection of natural and scenic values of rivers in the Qinba Mountain Area, including investigating river resources; conducting river protection and restoration based on river classification; building river protected areas, improving management mechanism and legislative guarantee; and strengthening community co-construction.


Fig. 1


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