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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2024, Volume 26, Issue 3 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2024.03.020

Financial Risk Monitoring and Early-Warning System in the Context of Digital Transformation

1. School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China;

2. Institute of Financial Technology, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China

Funding project:中国工程院咨询项目“数字化转型背景下金融风险监测与预警体系战略研究”(2023-33-14) Received: 2024-05-08 Revised: 2024-05-25 Available online: 2024-06-19

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Currently, the digital transformation of the financial industry in China has moved from multiple breakthroughs into a new stage of deepening and high-quality development, which necessitates a collaborative governance mechanism that coordinates multiple parties including governments, enterprises, and individuals. In view of the new, complex, and potentially harmful financial risks arising in the context of digital transformation, the financial industry urgently needs to improve its financial risk monitoring and earlywarning capabilities to effectively protect financial security. This study analyzes the progress of digital transformation of the financial industry as well as the implications and characteristics of new financial risks through literature research and theoretical analysis. It also investigates the mainstream financial risk monitoring and early-warning technologies in China and abroad, and clarifies the prominent problems regarding risk characterization and recognition, transmission and tracking, and inference assessment. Furthermore, we propose the overall framework, innovative research methods, and improving paths for the financial risk monitoring and earlywarning system in the context of digital transformation. This study reveals that financial risks have new characteristics in the context of digital transformation, such as faster update and iteration, higher risk frequency, and stronger concealment. Existing financial risk monitoring and early-warning technologies have numerous deficiencies and face multiple challenges in dealing with new financial risks, such as difficulty in characterizing, tracking, and assessing risks. Therefore, to improve the financial risk prevention capability of China and guarantee national financial security, it is proposed to develop cross-industry sharing standards for financial data, establish a knowledge representation paradigm and a cross-industry transmission mechanism of financial risks, and build a large model regarding financial risk monitoring and early warning.





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