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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2000, Volume 2, Issue 10

Faster Than Light and EM-Wave Anomalous Propagation

Beijing Broadcasting Institute , Beijing 100024, China

Received: 2000-06-19 Revised: 2000-08-03 Available online: 2000-10-20

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In this paper, the historic background of the study on faster than light (FTL) and the possibility of working within the frame work of special relativity are discussed. The previous experimental studies with single photon, laser pulse and microwaves have revealed superluminal behavior in the quantum tunneling process. That phenomenon exists only in the case of special physical condition. The analogy between classical Telegraphist equation and Klein-gordon equation can be used to study particle tunneling and superluminal behavior. A discussion on the FTL experiment by Dr. L. Wang recently is included. Remarks on the future of FTL research is given in this article.












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