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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2002, Volume 4, Issue 9

Shan-shui City: the Ideal Human Settlement for China in the 21st Century

Chinese Society for Urban Studies , Beijing 100835, China

Received: 2002-03-13 Revised: 2002-06-03 Available online: 2002-09-20

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In the 1990s, a great discussion on city developing model in socialist China in the 21st century was raised widely. At that time, a new concept —“Shan-shui city” was first put forward by Professor Qian Xuesen. The concept integrates Chinese traditional culture, which includes Chinese poetry, paintings and classical gardening architecture, with modern city construction. “Shan-shui city” model puts emphasis on local history and culture, which is a kind of comprehension of natural ecological processes, historical source and cultural veins. To go to a unification of man, its society and nature and to realize a kind of visual and psychological sense of beauty to their living and working environment are basic goals of building a “Shan-shui city”. The 21st century is named city's century because of developing countries' urbanization. In the mean time, China has come into the new phase of accelerated urbanization. This is the era background of discussing the idea of “Shan-shui city”. Another background contributes to culture and the spirit genes that Chinese love natural mountains and water. The culture about natural mountains and water plays an important role in China.










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