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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2002, Volume 4, Issue 10

Resources Recycling

Beijing General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Beijing 100044, China

Received: 2002-06-26 Available online: 2002-10-20

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Resources are the basis for the sustainable development of a country. From the viewpoint of chemistry, the product, resulted from the usage of a natural resource is still a substance, a kind of resource. Mankind should not exploit natural resources (minerals) unlimitedly, but make full use of them repeatedly and establish resources recycling gradually. Resources recycling is a kind of science that studies how to build the recycling system for making full use of the products. Resources recycling is a law, and also an only road for human being living in harmony with nature and for social sustainable development. Natural resources exploitation is closely related to environment pollution. Socializing resources recycling as early as possible may completely solve the problems of resource shortage and environment pollution. Building a society of resources recycling is a system engineering. To achieve this goal, the Government's determination, the related laws and regulations, keeping science, technology and education going first, as well as the joint effects from the whole society are necessary.






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