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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2007, Volume 9, Issue 11

The Stable Movement of Salty Water Soil and Pattern Researchof Removing the Salt

1. The Chief Management Station of Water Conservancy in Xinjiang, Urumqi, 830000, China ;

2. Xinjiang Institute of Water Resources and hydropower, Urumqi 830049, China ;

3. The Water Conservancy Construction Hub Management Station in Xiabandi, Kashi, Xinjiang, 844000, China

Received: 2007-05-09 Revised: 2007-09-21

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Through the research of the water-salt movement under different ground condition for the water saving irrigation in dry area, it has been found that there is the symptom of redistribution of water and salt in certain area:when the evolvement of water and salt movement occurs in vertical and horizontal direction, there is also the important symptom of sideward movement and has certain domino effect. This paper analyses the technology for treatment of the salt soil at home and abroad, and discusses the new mode of salt drainage under both the condition of water-salt directional movement and the condition of salt movement to the earth's surface. The study has the practical meaning for research and discussion on the new method of salt soil amending in dry agricultural area in China.








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